Identity Verification


We get it. Your Identity verification needs are unique. Bureau lets you customise your ID verification flows to suit the situation.

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Customize Fraud & Friction Free Flows

Bureau’s platform lets you mix and match the ideal verification pieces to build your custom
verification flows. Select verification components that suit your use case and establish trust in
your customer’s real-world identity.

Bureau’s digital solutions used by Uni for their lending partners have significantly reduced the risk of fraud by leveraging solutions around key information such as name, email, and device-related information. Additionally, the Bureau's digital footprint variables for phone numbers and email addresses play a crucial role in the digital authentication of customers. The best part here is the availability of solutions in real-time which is best suited for digital players to catch the fraudsters without impacting the genuine users.
Risk & Compliance Team, Uni Cards
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We sincerely appreciate the Bureau's meticulous effort in verifying the documents of our Rapido captains. Your prompt and precise work has been instrumental in ensuring that our captains meet the highest standards of safety and reliability. The professionalism and diligence of your team have greatly contributed to our mission of providing trustworthy service. Thank you for your outstanding support.
Product Team, Rapido
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Bureau's well-built API documentation and seamless guidance during onboarding helped us a lot. The range of capabilities gave us the freedom to choose the best possible solution that fits our needs rather than building our product flows according to the solutions available. Also, Bureau is a true partner in every true sense - ready to innovate together to build solutions that solve & scale.
Vishwajeet Pureti, Pencilton
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"Senior citizens are the most vulnerable when it comes to OTP frauds. Due to their cognitive decline, remembering passwords is a huge pain. Bureau has helped us resolve these critical problems for our customers at Khyaal. We believe this will not only improve the onboarding and checkout experience for our customers but also reduces the risk of fraud in the future."
Hemanshu Jain, Khyaal
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"Our partnership with Bureau has been fantastic. Our behavioral data acquisition, combined with Bureau's persona intelligence and identity verification, helps the best teams in the world safeguard and accelerate their entire customer journey. There's quite an in-depth amount of resources that Bureau brings to truly unlock growth on top of risk management and fraud prevention."
Andrei Savu, Moonsense
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"Using Bureau's solution, we identified 20% more fake applications. We caught mismatched identities at the onboarding stage using Phone and Email Intelligence, resulting in cost savings, faster conversions, and cleaner audits. To date, more than 30% of our users have reaped the benefits of better, simpler, and more secure user onboarding."
Vineet Amin, Aditya Biral Capital
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More than Data,
Get Insights

Get insights into the riskiness or trustworthiness of an identity. Our insights are derived from analysis of millions of verified identities across our network,  including data on their phone number, email, digital footprint ,social, purchasing behaviour  and more.

Bureau provides a score rating that lets you make confident, informed decisions about a user when combined with your internal decisioning rules.

Fight Fraud in Real Time

Beyond flows for uncovering Identities, the Bureau Platform combines powerful device intelligence
for real-time signals that indicate something fishy is in progress at anypoint in a transaction

Fight Fraud Now

Fake & Stolen Identities

Fraudsters either tried to create synthetic or ‘fake IDs’ by cutting and pasting various legitimate components of real user IDs together or outrightly used stolen IDs to create accounts.

Promotion Abuse

Bureau has saved over $500k worth of marketing dollars for our customers. Grow your users not the fraudsters’ bank accounts.


We’ve sniffed out cases where internal agents joined forces with ‘customers’ to game our clients. Either by artificially inflating user acquisition targets or colluding to help themselves to juicy promo benefits.

Fraud Rings

The fraudster forces of evil combined were no match for Bureau - live device signals combined with persona intelligence tipped us off to a fraud ring, saving our customer $ in the process.