
Fight Fraud and Friction for Fintech, Win Growth

Struggling between growth and risk? We help fintech, lending and financial institutions reduce friction, mitigate risks and prevent fraud.

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Trusted by Leading Fintech Companies

Complete protection throughout
the customer journey

New Account Fraud

Stop fraudsters from opening new accounts by mimicking legitimate customers, using stolen or synthetic identities

User Drop-offs

Reduce user drop-offs by gliding good users through onboarding, introduce dynamic friction for risky ones

Promo and referral abuse

Make sure that your promotional offers, instant credit lines, and giveaways reach your users, not fraudsters

Account and Device Takeovers

Catch accounts and device takeovers early and reduce the risk of loss of funds by good users

Fraud Rings

Identify and stop coordinated fraud rings that abuse the system, maximize credit lines and bust out

Onboarding orchestration at your fingertips

Orchestrate real-time approvals, accelerated conversions and beat fraud with
Bureau’s no-code decisioning platform.

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Preset templates for fintech

Ready solutions for fintech platforms to get started quickly and see results from day 1.

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Intuitive and simple workflows

Scalable, bespoke, drag-and-drop workflows made to fit your user journeys.

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Custom rules for automating decisions

Set up custom rules that power your approve or decline decisions.

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Simplified case management

One dashboard for all your teams to review flagged cases and manage compliance.

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One API, one integration, infinite capabilities

Leverage hundreds of services and capabilities with just 1 easy integration

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Onboarding orchestration at your fingertips

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Preset templates for fintech

Mobile network operator-based user verification

No OTP, MFA or passwords at risk of theft

Detect sim swap fraud, bots, and more

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Adaptable identity verification

Unlock rich insights behind the phone number and email

Establish social and digital footprints of users

Government database checks for ID verification

Scalable yet simple compliance

Meet evolving KYC and AML standards

Built-in document verification, biometrics, selfie and liveness checks

Check against global watchlist, sanctions and denylists